The Costa Rica Effect

Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. The towering mountains and lush, vibrant vegetation make it’s landscape simply breath-taking.

But aside from the aesthetics, the people are beautiful. Through their hospitality they have shown me what it truly looks like to serve others. Many of the believers here have already made a deep impact in my life: a pastor and his family along with men and women of God who are bent on serving our King with committed, humble hearts.

As I’ve examined myself and what God was teaching me it was obvious that other members of my team were experiencing something similar. Both students and leaders have shared that committed, humble, hospitable, God-fearing people here have caused them to think about the attitudes and norms of our Americanized Christianity.

Maybe it’s good to leave the familiar for the adventure. Maybe it’s good to fly away from time to time. Maybe leaving “The Bachelor” for the mission of sharing an actual love story in a beautiful, tropical, foreign land would be good for you, but bad for ratings. This love story has a Son sent to a lonely place for a lonely purpose and a lonely death, forsaken by his father. But after only days this Son defeats the sin (mine and yours) that sent him there in the first place! He is then received back by his father, who knew all along of the anguish and torture his Son would endure. This would be, and still still, a history-changing, life-altering story for all mankind; worthy of our mission endeavors.

As the comfortable shores of home vanish in the distance our Father has a way of speaking to us, showing us our misconceptions and pointing us to his own heart. One of a diverse love for all of his diverse children in every possible corner of the world. I’m very glad that in my little corner I have the privilege to serve with incredible leaders and
quite a crew of student-servants who are drawing closer together and closer to our Lord. Great things are happening!


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